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Nov 12, 2011


Nov 7, 2011

What a really cute group of three . They were ready as can be when they arrived for their pictures. I was so impressed and  loved how kind they were to each other especially how cool and patient Taylor was  with his sister  .  She was the littlest one with her  sweet smile who had […]

Nov 4, 2011

Source: weheartit.com via Rebecca on Pinterest Sometimes its  the simple things that make us smile. As a little girl my favorite prized posession was my little yellow Pooh Bear that my grandmother made  a few cute clothes for.  Pooh you were  the best! Happy Friday! XOXO

Oct 25, 2011

Ethan arrived a little sleepy but that didn’t last too long as he was off and running in no time. .  He was ready to  explore everything from lakes  and fields and my camera was ready! He even spotted deer tracks which lead us on a search for the deer .  Ethan’s Dad was part of […]

Oct 20, 2011

While  working in my office one day last summer   I heard Wyatt in the next room in my studio area.  I could hear some unusual sounds … Me: Whatcha doing? Wyatt:  Nothhhing…. ( a long lingering nothing  where the “…ing ”  lingers then fades ever so slow.) Then I hear scuffling  , trying to […]

Oct 11, 2011

The fun and excitement of getting ready for the Homecoming dance . So grateful that I was able to photograph these Seniors as they head out for their final Homecoming celebration…..  

Sep 4, 2011

                    That’s what you’ll feel like when you share your amazing slideshow . It’s getting time to think about your senior photos. You want them to be about you?  Wanna have fun?     Here is a sampling of some seniors  and  a sample of what […]

Aug 31, 2011

In case your wondering I do love little babies. They bring us radiant joy Their soft touch and warmth gives confidence in our heart We are reminded of the newness of life We gather hope in their smiles Faith  in their eyes They strenghthen a mothers love to all enduring heights We hold them close […]

Aug 18, 2011

My youngest son  turned 11 . It seems impossible . Time really moves quickly .  So before it gets away another day I wanted to take some pictures of what he’s into lately. He acquired a brown cowboy hat from a friend of the family and wears it most days.  He whittles wood , plays […]

Jul 31, 2011

It  stormed and rained  just a few hours before this senior session but that didn’t stop Alissa nor I.    Alissa loves the water  . She spends her summers at the pool as a dedicated lifeguard .  Even on her days off, she finds a way to be in the water with her friends  or […]