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Nov 19, 2012

Cameron Class of 2013 Creekland High School I loved photographing Cameron and spending time with her on her farm .    She was so fabulous and kind and I’ve never seen such a beautiful shade of shimmering  red hair !  Thank You Cameron for the great time !! XO      

Nov 17, 2012

My son whom I love immensely! What would I do with out my boys? 

Nov 8, 2012

It was  a gorgeous day . The sky was a pretty shade of blue , clouds were scarce ,  the leaves had just started changing to there fall vibrance as a good amount laid on the ground.  The grass was tall , and a slight breeze kept us happy . It was a perfect mild […]

Nov 1, 2012

I love it so much when I get to photograph clients as they grow . I can’t believe that this is the 3rd time I’ve photographed this beautiful family . Elyse. …. let’s say she is a firecracker !  I love her . She can be the most beautiful serene girl  and in a moment […]

Oct 25, 2012

What better place to go than to a pumpkin patch in the fall  .  Prime fall weather , Fresh juicy apples off the tree ,  and two adorable little girls that have been friends since before their birth .    You saw Alice  in this post as a newborn but now  she’s already two years […]

Oct 17, 2012

Oh what a difference 24 hours can make .  If you would of told me last Friday that I’d be photographing a surprise wedding at a Barn Dance on Saturday ,  I would of said, ” Yay, right!”  First of all, have you ever heard of a surprise wedding ????   Nope , didn’t think so. […]

Oct 11, 2012

Hair . Its a girls best friend but like it or not somedays  it can be ridiculous! I know , believe me I have curly , unruly hair at times.  So , I decided  to give you some ideas to keep the saying going ” It’s a good hair day.”    WE love to talk […]

Oct 8, 2012

If you were in the pacific northwest this day you may have heard there was a special birthday about to be celebrated . This was a birthday bash like no other! I traveled to Washington to celebrate with my 2 year old niece, Alice, who shares the same cherished name as my Grandmother whom I […]

Sep 9, 2012

Some of my favorite Senior High girls (xo Number 7)  ! They are fun, competitive , and tough! This was such a fun session !  Really Imaginative theme of the show Survivor.  This session was  imagined by one creative Mom who thought of this for the team . The inspiration was all pulled together  inside […]

Sep 1, 2012

I enjoyed my drive out to the lake one morning to meet this adorable 7 month old and his handsome big brother, Michael. Robbie was visiting his ever so proud grandparents for the week and boy did he have eyes for his grandma! Have you noticed just how incredible his eyes are by the way?! […]