I had the best time meeting up with my friend Kim Hecht and True Moua out in San Diego . Kim brought on a stylist , Annette . Annette let us come over and go through multiple closets of clothing to choose from . One of her favorite designers in her stylish closet was from Magnolia Pearl in Fredericksburg, Texas ! I couldn’t believe what a small world it is since i so happen to have had an amazing photo session with her Mia a senior who has her old Air stream!
We eventally narrowed down some ideas and headed out the next day with Kyra to Balboa Park and then ended in Kims gardens . Heres a few from her session .
And check out Magnolias clothing too !
Senior session class of 2019
San Diego, California
Model : Kyra with Kim Hecht
Clothing stylist : Annette
Make up: True Moua