I always say there’s never a wrong time to book your senior pictures with me (Rebecca Bonno Photography). It’s a common question to get asked . I even get moms messaging me on Facebook so i thought i’d write a quick post about it . However , I will say there are some benefits to booking in the summer going into your senior year . I will tell you why it can be your best choice.
For starters you can choose the date without getting booked out of a preferred month or day. When you book your senior session in May or June you get a full choice to pick on dates. You can do early summer when its not quite as hot , or if vibrant fall colors are your season you’ll be the first to pick from those popular dates , the browns of winter are always nice too , or the flowering spring. If you wait too close to the time then your options become much more limited on what you want and you could run out of time. If you would like to be photographed in all four seasons we can do that too! Email me on from the contact page and let me know you’d like the “What senior session Season are you Guide?” and I will be happy to send it right over to you .
My second point is you get more time to prepare when you decide to book ahead . Getting to look at more ideas and inspirations help so much with what you’d like in a session . This creates less stress too! No last minute what to wear either ! I provide every booked senior with the exclusive What to Wear Guide. Its full of ideas of clothing that is flattering to your body type . So many use this throughout and on into College . Once you know you will always know ! We also will talk about your style . Are you fashionista , are you free -spirited, are you boho , athletic, studious ? Or even something else? I’ll help you create a session that will show your uniqueness whatever that may be!
Thirdly , think about your “season ” . What time of year do you play the sport you love ? It would be a good idea to schedule your photos during that time so we can incorporate some of them with your sport . I’ve done every sport I think ! Football, lacrosse, cheerleading , baseball , Equine , to name a few and even water polo!
Fourth , If you are reading this ask me about cap and gown photos … I have a surprise for you just for reading this !
Next , if you have any desire to have a destination session then we can schedule far enough in advance that we can find our location and all the exciting parts of that location .
Lastly , you’ll get to start referring friends! For every referral you get credit towards products . After you book with Rebecca Bonno Photography you’ll get to refer friends and in turn if they book then you get credit towards your pictures or a gift card to your favorite store !
What are you waiting for ? Send me an email and we will pick your first choice of dates and a plan. Lets Connect .

I want to get some good pictures of my son for his senior year of high school. It makes sense that booking a photography session would be beneficial. That seems like a great way to ensure that we get some high quality photos.